Price $3,150.00 inc GST

The Victorian Gold Rushes of the 1850s provided a foundation for rising prosperity in the city of Melbourne.
This affluence led to a significant number of Melbourne citizens acquiring a Full Size Alcock Billiard Table for use in their homes. And the Billiard Table, a useful item providing pleasure and recreation, developed into a handsome domestic furniture piece.
Elaborate pieces of ”side furniture” were also produced to complement the Table.
As early as the 1870s Alcocks were producing a Revolving Cue Stand, with pillars featuring Jacobean twists, topped by miniature Grecian style urns. (See Alcock Catalogue1878, page 16).
By the 1980s interest in these Cue Stands so exceeded availability that the Company produced a modest number of new stands in Honduras Mahogany timber. One of these Stands has recently become available for purchase, at a much more modest cost than a Stand reaching back to the 19th C
This Stand is now available for inspection at our Showroom